Profisportler Handball Torwart in Action



Professional athletes

Handball, football, ice hockey, basketball, volleyball, equestrian sport… Health insurance alone is not enough for amateur and professional athletes. For you, your health, your experience and your talent is your capital. Injuries or illnesses occur unexpectedly. The recovery process often requires a lot of patience and time from you. You should therefore make use of the right insurance components, which perform reliably and unbureaucratically, for your career in good time. I work with you to determine these and advise you on your choices. The associated planning security will also inspire you to even higher performance!

DKV Krankenversicherung für ProfisportlerFussball-Torwart mit Ball

Private health insurance for professional athletes

In the event of an injury or illness, you need top-quality treatment so that you recover rapidly. With private health insurance, you secure a free choice of doctor and hospital from among the most experienced and best known specialists throughout Europe, as well as intensive support and assistance during rehabilitation and many other priceless benefits. The best protection for the best athletes.

Profisportler Gegenseitige Hilfe von Bergsteigern

Sports incapacity insurance for professional athletes

Oft fordern Verletzungen oder Krankheiten einen langen & geduldigen Genesungsprozess. Manchmal bedeuten sie auch das vorzeitige Karriere-Aus. Nach einer Studie werden mehr als 20 % aller Berufssportler im Laufe Ihrer Karriere vorzeitig & dauerhaft und sogar 35% zumindest temporär, also länger als 12 Monate sportunfähig. Deswegen solltest du deine Fähigkeiten und deine Gesundheit wertschätzen und mit der Sportunfähigkeitsabsicherung honorieren. Hierbei unterstütze ich dich mit einer Versicherung, die im Leistungsfall deine Einkünfte für die Zukunft absichert! Eine Krankentagegeldversicherung die an die 42. tägige Lohnfortzahlung deines Vereins lückenlos anschließt und eine großzügige Einmalzahlung im Falle eines vorzeitigen Karriereendes sollten für dich Standard sein.

Profisport Boxen Taping der Hände

Accident insurance for professional athletes

Your daily work routine consists of sport and movement. As a result, you push yourself to your limits daily and your risk of injury is higher than in any other profession!

Body Protection Cover

The “Body Protection Cover” product provides a flat-rate amount in the event of any injury, the amount of which depends on the type of injury and the tariff selected. The benefit of Body Protection Cover lies in the clear correlation between the specific injury and the associated payment. Owing to the clearly defined insured injuries, there is no need for a protracted medical assessment. This results in a significantly quicker pay-out than from standard accident insurance schemes according to a schedule of compensation. Always with the aim of you being able to play again quickly and your income and your family being covered during your recovery.

Läufer kurz vor dem Start

Young Talents cover for the start of your career

Have you just started your career as an amateur or professional and the ink of your signature on the contract is still drying? I support you from the first day of your career. We find the right cover so that you, together with your parents, can concentrate on your sporting career and steadily improve. If an accident unexpectedly brings your career dreams to a premature end, our Young Talents programme steps in and helps you out with generous financial support for getting started in an alternative professional future. Like studying, vocational training or founding a company, for example.

I am there for you:

Livelihood protection programmes:

  • High-performance private health insurance
  • Working capacity and income protection
  • High-value livelihood protection in the event of an early end to your career

Support in the event of a claim:

  • Communication with doctors, the employers’ liability insurance association and other insurers
  • Application for injury benefits and sick pay benefits
  • Support during the necessary rehabilitation measures
  • Handling of settlements with social security and the employers’ liability insurance association.

Even more benefits:

  • Early application for claims from the German Pension Insurance Fund
  • Advice and support with the complex German social security regulations
  • Livelihood protection for young talent
  • Advice for players and contract negotiations with the employer
  • Mediation and negotiation of affiliation contracts or new contracts in the event of a transfer
